Petronas Geo NG 40 Gas Generator Oil 209L

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PETRONAS Geo NG Series enhances fuel efficiency and minimizes emissions, catering to diverse spark-ignited gas-fueled engines with superior lubrication. Viscosity 40  Meet Requirements Caterpillar 3500 & 3600 series INNIO Jenbacher Class A and B gases,for Type 2, 3, 4 and 6 engines MAN MWM TR-0199-99-2015 Rolls Royce B35:40, C26:33 and K-G1, G2, G3 and G4…



Petronas-Geo-NG-40-Gas-Generator-Oil-209L.p, PETRONAS Geo NG Series enhances fuel efficiency and minimizes emissions, catering to diverse spark-ignited gas-fueled engines with superior lubrication.


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